Saturday was a busy day we had the grandchildren whilst Mum and Dad went clothes shopping in Birmingham. Our local pub the Yeoman of England - which is conveniently just across the road had a Fun Day and the children spent time happily playing on a bouncy castle and having their arms painted whilst Nanny, Grandpa and Great Nanny had a drink in the gardens enjoying the sun. I spent a lot of the time running around trying to catch a lively 15 month who just wanted to be where he shouldn't.
Later on Auntie Hannah took Bee out in the garden and they had fun with her camera spending time taking pictures.
Later on Auntie Hannah took Bee out in the garden and they had fun with her camera spending time taking pictures.
A wonderful if exhausting day - love to have them but it is always nice to kiss them goodbye and settle back into the quite of just hubby and I.
Love the pictures Hannah x